About International Takhi Group (ITG)

Presentation of ITG

The International Takhi Group (ITG) is a registered association under Swiss law, the board of which works on a voluntary basis. Members are private individuals and institutions. Articles

The goal of ITG is the scientifically based protection of the 18,000 km2 Gobi B reserve, which is the habitat for viable populations of wild horses, khulans and numerous other endangered species of the Eurasian steppe and the adjacent mountainous habitats.

The association Friends of the Wild Horse acts as a donation box for ITG.

Board of ITG

Reinhard Schnidrig

Since my early childhood I enjoy seeing horses roam landscapes without fences. The ITG wants to bring back the wild horse to its original habitat. This will succeed because the ITG works towards this vision in cooperation with the Mongolian authorities. Right now, several groups of wild horses gallop over the vast Gobi B - a beautiful view.

Reinhard Schnidrig

Christian Stauffer

Vice President
The Takhi reintroduction project in the Gobi B is one of the best reintroduction projects worldwide. I am dedicated to it, because the vision of a coexistence between humans and wild animals has become reality and that is what it should remain.

Christian Stauffer

Rebekka Blumer

I am a long-term supporter of various conservation programs, including the reintroduction of Takhi into the wild. Having helped this program with funds privately and through my company, when I heard about the ITG’s need for a treasurer, I opted for volunteer work as an even more rewarding way of benefitting this extremely rare species.

Rebekka Blumer

Ruth Baumgartner

This is a very fascinating project and as a veterinarian, I am happy that I was able to take care of the wild horses on their transports to Mongolia since 1996 as well as to do veterinarian work on the location of Takhiin tal itself. It is great to be a piece in this big jigsaw puzzle.

Ruth Baumgartner

Anita Fahrni

It is important that Mongolians are aware of the extremely rare animals and valuable natural environment which exist in their own country. My network there can help in spreading the word and in working towards a broader acceptance of the protection measures needed.

Anita Fahrni

Karin Hindenlang Clerc​

Watching the Takhi at Wilderness Park Langenberg, in imagination, I see their relatives roaming the vast Mongolian steppe. This fills me with joy and happiness in a time where testimonies about animal species near to extinction are abundant. For this reason I commit myself with pleasure to the long-term protection of the Takhis and their habitat.
Karin Hindenlang Clerc

Sven Hoffmann

Legal advisor
Sven Hoffmann
Legal Advisor

Miroslav Bobek

Representative of Prague Zoo
Miroslav Bobek
Representative of Prague Zoo

Jaroslav Šimek

Representative of Prague Zoo
Jaroslav Šimek
Representative of Prague Zoo

Petra Kaczensky

Head Research Council ITG​
Vast, open landscapes with their inhabitants have always fascinated me. My first research project brought me to Great Gobi B and its Przewalski’s horses in 2001. Since then the region had a firm grip on me and motivates me to enable and support applied science projects aimed to support the integrity and conservation of this fascinating ecosystem.
Petra Kaczensky
Head Research Council, ITG

Lena Michler

Managing Director ITG Europe
My PhD thesis brought me to the Gobi B in Mongolia, where I study the biological and cultural diversity. The harsh climate of the Gobi forces humans and animals to always seek for good pasture and water. My goal is, to make coexistence of wild animals, nomads and their livestock possible, also in the future.

Lena Michler
Managing Director ITG Europe

Nanjid Altansukh

Director of the Great Gobi B SPA​
I am happy to work with my heart and soul to leave my native land, its mountains and water intact to future generations.

Nanjid Altansukh
Director of the Great Gobi B SPA​

Jamiyandorj Batsukh

Executive Director ITG Mongolia
I have been working on many development Aid projects, but this project is my favorite. It is always amazing to be in Takhiin tal to see Takhi, black tale gazelles and others. I'm proud and happy to work for wildlife conservation, even it is challenging sometimes.

Jamiyandorj Batsukh
Executive Director, ITG Mongolia

Members of ITG

Private Individuals

Thomas Pfisterer, honorary president
Dorothee Stamm, honorary member †
Jean-Pierre Siegfried, honorary president †


Initiators of the Project

Christian Oswald †, initiator and first supporter
Ochir Dorjraa
Ochir Dorjraa, initiator and first Mongolian coordinator, Senior Advisor for ITG

ITG’s partners

The reintroduction of the wild horse into its last known retreat and the rebuilding of a viable population in the wild was, and still is, only possible thanks to the support of partner organizations, private individuals and institutions.

ITG would like to thank all of you from the bottom of our heart for the great help we keep getting!

A special thank goes to Peter Kistler Editor of the Takhi Post.


Financing of the programme by ITG and the Mongolian state

The financing of the programme is ensured by the government of Mongolia on the one hand and ITG on the other. The Ministry of Nature, Environment and Tourism (MET) of Mongolia finances the majority of the wages of the GGB administration’s employees, ITG finances the operating costs.

ITG covers the ongoing costs of the programme with donations in favor of the “Friends of the Wild Horse”. Furthermore, ITG uses separate financing for different proposals. Last but not least, research grants are also very important for funding the programme.

Use of donations

The conscientious use of donations is of highest priority for ITG. The donations are used on a project basis, with the majority being spent in Mongolia.


The audit for ITG is implemented free of charge by:

Peter Haller Treuhand AG, Magden


Providers of takhi

  • Werner Stamm-Foundation, Switzerland
  • Jimsar Breeding Center, China

Partner Foundations and Firms


Rebekka Blumer, Richenthal (CH), Peter Kistler, Richenthal (CH), Jürg Widmer, Murgenthal (CH), Peter Widmer †, Rothrist (CH)

Anna Zemp Stiftung, Männedorf (CH), Baldinger & Baldinger, Aarau (CH), Rolf Baumgartner †, Richterswil (CH), Biokema, Crissier (CH), BRUGG Rohrsystem AG, Kleindöttingen (CH), Guido Doppler, Hütten, (CH), Jürg Eichenberger, Basel (CH), Dr. E. Graeub AG, Bern (CH), Jäggin & Luder AG, Oberwil (CH), Kanton Basel Land (CH), Kanton Zürich (CH),  Dr. Heinz und Rosmarie Lanz, Gempen (CH), Lebensministerium, Republik Österreich (AT), Malou-Stiftung für Tierschutz, Zürich (CH), Karl Mayer Stiftung, Basel (CH), Migros, Basel (CH), Rotary Club, Aarau (CH), SAN GmbH, Reiden (CH), Dorothee Stamm, Meilen (CH), Werner Stamm-Stiftung zur Erhaltung seltener Einhufer, Basel (CH) , Dr. Marianne Stiner, Oftringen (CH), Mischa Marc A. Stöcklin, Meilen (CH), Swarovski Optik, Hall (AT), Theo Wucher Stiftung, Küsnacht (CH), Verein Freunde des Wildpferdes, Sihlwald (CH), Veterinaria, Zürich (CH), Verband der Zoologischen Gärten, Wuppertal (DE), Helene von Opel †, Meilen (CH), Maja und Peter Christoph Wanner, Würenlos (CH), WAZA (World Association of Zoos and Aquariums), Gland (CH), Hildegard Wendt, Richterswil (CH), Dres. Uta und Lucius Werthemann, Riehen (CH), Wildnispark Zürich Langenberg, Langnau a.A. (CH), Zoologischer Garten Karlsruhe (DE), Zoo Salzburg (AT), Zoo Toronto (CAN), Zürcher Tierschutz, Zürich (CH), Heinz Zweifel,  Aarau (CH) and many more.

Research funds and know-how



Partner Projects