The International Takhi Group (ITG) is a registered association under Swiss law, the board of which works on a voluntary basis. Members are private individuals and institutions. Articles
The goal of ITG is the scientifically based protection of the 18,000 km2 Gobi B reserve, which is the habitat for viable populations of wild horses, khulans and numerous other endangered species of the Eurasian steppe and the adjacent mountainous habitats.
The association Friends of the Wild Horse acts as a donation box for ITG.
Private Individuals
Initiators of the Project
The reintroduction of the wild horse into its last known retreat and the rebuilding of a viable population in the wild was, and still is, only possible thanks to the support of partner organizations, private individuals and institutions.
ITG would like to thank all of you from the bottom of our heart for the great help we keep getting!
A special thank goes to Peter Kistler Editor of the Takhi Post.
The financing of the programme is ensured by the government of Mongolia on the one hand and ITG on the other. The Ministry of Nature, Environment and Tourism (MET) of Mongolia finances the majority of the wages of the GGB administration’s employees, ITG finances the operating costs.
ITG covers the ongoing costs of the programme with donations in favor of the “Friends of the Wild Horse”. Furthermore, ITG uses separate financing for different proposals. Last but not least, research grants are also very important for funding the programme.
The conscientious use of donations is of highest priority for ITG. The donations are used on a project basis, with the majority being spent in Mongolia.
The audit for ITG is implemented free of charge by:
Peter Haller Treuhand AG, Magden
Rebekka Blumer, Richenthal (CH), Peter Kistler, Richenthal (CH), Jürg Widmer, Murgenthal (CH), Peter Widmer †, Rothrist (CH)
Anna Zemp Stiftung, Männedorf (CH), Baldinger & Baldinger, Aarau (CH), Rolf Baumgartner †, Richterswil (CH), Biokema, Crissier (CH), BRUGG Rohrsystem AG, Kleindöttingen (CH), Guido Doppler, Hütten, (CH), Jürg Eichenberger, Basel (CH), Dr. E. Graeub AG, Bern (CH), Jäggin & Luder AG, Oberwil (CH), Kanton Basel Land (CH), Kanton Zürich (CH), Dr. Heinz und Rosmarie Lanz, Gempen (CH), Lebensministerium, Republik Österreich (AT), Malou-Stiftung für Tierschutz, Zürich (CH), Karl Mayer Stiftung, Basel (CH), Migros, Basel (CH), Rotary Club, Aarau (CH), SAN GmbH, Reiden (CH), Dorothee Stamm, Meilen (CH), Werner Stamm-Stiftung zur Erhaltung seltener Einhufer, Basel (CH) , Dr. Marianne Stiner, Oftringen (CH), Mischa Marc A. Stöcklin, Meilen (CH), Swarovski Optik, Hall (AT), Theo Wucher Stiftung, Küsnacht (CH), Verein Freunde des Wildpferdes, Sihlwald (CH), Veterinaria, Zürich (CH), Verband der Zoologischen Gärten, Wuppertal (DE), Helene von Opel †, Meilen (CH), Maja und Peter Christoph Wanner, Würenlos (CH), WAZA (World Association of Zoos and Aquariums), Gland (CH), Hildegard Wendt, Richterswil (CH), Dres. Uta und Lucius Werthemann, Riehen (CH), Wildnispark Zürich Langenberg, Langnau a.A. (CH), Zoologischer Garten Karlsruhe (DE), Zoo Salzburg (AT), Zoo Toronto (CAN), Zürcher Tierschutz, Zürich (CH), Heinz Zweifel, Aarau (CH) and many more.